Episode 07: Training Psychiatrist and Clinical Research Fellow in the UK National Health Service, Mark Horowitz, has published guidance about how to withdraw safely from psychiatric drugs. Peter C Gøtzsche interviews Mark Horowitz who gives practical advice about how to taper the drugs in a hyperbolic fashion. He also recounts his personal experience of horrific withdrawal symptoms when he tried to withdraw a depression drug and did not know how to do it.
Horowitz MA, Taylor D. Tapering of SSRI treatment to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Lancet Psychiatry 2019;6:538-46 (behind a paywall).
Horowitz M, Taylor DM.The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines: Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Gabapentinoids and Z-drugs (The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines Series) 2024.
Gøtzsche PC. Mental health survival kit and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs. Ann Arbor: L H Press; 2022.
Gøtzsche PC. Withdrawing from psychiatric drugs: How to produce smaller doses than those the drug companies provide. Mad in America 2023; Nov 21.
A Scientific article about tapering of schizofrenia medication. I Think they taper the medication quite fast, compared to what I have seen of withdrawas symptoms in the real world
Det er en meget vigtig og god podcast. Her er en anden fortælling om 16 års udtrapning af depressionspiller. Meget lærerigt, især hvordan vedkommende blev tricket ind i medicinen, med lovning om at hun kan stoppe pillerne så snart hun ønsker. Christian Ditlev skuffer dog stort, med hans forsikringer om at han kender mange der har gavn af depressionsmedicin.