Episode 05: Science journalist Alan Cassels, University of Victoria, British Columbia, was asked by the Cochrane leadership to write a book to celebrate Cochrane’s 20th anniversary in 2013. Peter C Gøtzsche discusses with Cassels why Cochrane’s CEO, journalist Mark Wilson, killed his book about Cochrane and why the most important organisation established in healthcare in the last 100 years seems to have collapsed. We hope that somehow a new Cochrane will come out of the ashes.
Cassels A. The Cochrane Collaboration: medicine’s best-kept secret. Victoria: Agio Publishing House; 2015.
Demasi M. Cochrane – a sinking ship? BMJ 2018; Sept 16.
Gøtzsche PC. Cochrane – no longer a Collaboration. BMJ 2018; Nov 8.
Gøtzsche PC. Death of a whistleblower and Cochrane’s moral collapse. København: People’s Press; 2018.
Gøtzsche PC. Decline and fall of the Cochrane empire. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom; 2022 (freely available).
Gøtzsche PC. Cochrane’s demise: misleading denigration of benzodiazepines for acute psychosis. Mad in America 2023; June 3.
Gøtzsche PC. Cochrane reviews of psychiatric drugs are untrustworthy. Mad in America 2023; Sept 14.
Gøtzsche PC. “Why we resigned” from the Cochrane Governing Board. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom 2023; Dec 6.
Gøtzsche PC. My career in exposing fraud, bias and injustice in healthcare. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom 2023; Dec 4.