Newsletter 5: Four new episodes about psychiatry
11 January 2025
We have a mental health crisis. The existing approaches that focus on drugs are not working.
In the UK, mental health disability has almost trebled in recent decades, and the gap in life
expectancy between people with severe mental health issues and the general population
has doubled. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations have therefore
recently called for systematic mental health reform emphasising psychosocial interventions.
I describe what is wrong with psychiatry in my 2024 book, Is psychiatry a crime against humanity? It can be downloaded for free from my website. I explain why I believe the answer to this question must be yes. We must do everything we can to change a system that many, including the general public, have found do more harm than good and to help those who suffer unnecessarily. We will bring several episodes that focus on these issues and have uploaded the following four new episodes:
Episode 09: Jim Gottstein, Being abused by psychiatry, lies in court, and winning lawsuits to prevent forced drugging
Lawyer Jim Gottstein from Anchorage has a personal brief experience as a patient with acute psychosis. He has won important lawsuits at the Alaska Supreme Court to prevent forced drugging, thereby defending the basic human rights of psychiatric patients. Peter C Gøtzsche interviews Jim Gottstein about these issues on Maui where Jim currently lives.
Episode 10: John Read, Why electroshock will likely become abandoned
Professor of clinical psychology, John Read, University of East London, took an interest in ECT after a couple of shocking experiences when he was young, one of which was that a man was killed on the table, which was covered up by deleting the notes about it. Peter C Gøtzsche interviews John Read about why ECT will likely become abandoned. It is far more dangerous than people realise and the benefit is doubtful.
Episode 11: The scandal about STAR-D and antidepressants
Professor emeritus Peter C Gøtzsche explains in ten minutes with filmmaker Janus Bang why the biggest study of antidepressants ever financed by the US National Institute of Mental Health was a total fraud and that the institute and the psychiatrists don’t care but continue to cite it as if it were true.
Episode 12: The problem with antipsychotics
Professor emeritus Peter C Gøtzsche explains in 18 minutes with filmmaker Janus Bang that antipsychotics don’t have specific antipsychotic effects and don’t have relevant effects against psychosis. Forced treatment with antipsychotics is a serious and unacceptable human rights violation that kills and maims irreversibly millions of patients. This must be stopped.
Best wishes
Peter C Gøtzsche Professor emeritus and Director Institute for Scientific Freedom Copenhagen Twitter Film and interview channel: Broken Medical Science |