Why electroshock will likely become abandoned


Episode 10. Professor of clinical psychology, John Read, University of East London, took an interest in ECT after a couple of shocking experiences when he was young, one of which was that a man was killed on the table, which was covered up by deleting the notes about it. Peter C Gøtzsche interviews John Read about why ECT will likely become abandoned. It is far more dangerous than people realise and the benefit is doubtful.


Read J, Bentall R. The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy: a literature review. Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc 2010 Oct-Dec;19:333-47.

Read J. Major adverse cardiac events and mortality associated with electroconvulsive therapy: correcting and updating a 2019 meta-analysis. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 2024 Sept: DOI: 10.1891/EHPP-2024-0003.

Mette’s Voice. Documentary 2014 by Katrine Borre.

Gøtzsche PC. Critical psychiatry textbook. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom; 2022. Freely available.

Gøtzsche PC. Deadly psychiatry and organised denial. Copenhagen: People’s Press; 2015.

Gøtzsche PC. Is psychiatry a crime against humanity? Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom; 2024. Freely available.