Why electroshock will likely become abandoned

Episode 10. Professor of clinical psychology, John Read, University of East London, took an interest in ECT after a couple of shocking experiences when he was young, one of which was that a man was killed on the table, which was covered up by deleting the notes about it. In this episode, Peter C Gøtzsche interviews John Read about why ECT will likely become abandoned. It is far more dangerous than people realise and the benefit is doubtful. Documentation: Read J, Bentall R. The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy: a literature review. Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc 2010 Oct-Dec;19:333-47. Read J. Major adverse cardiac events...

Being abused by psychiatry, lies in court, and winning lawsuits to prevent forced drugging

Episode 09: Lawyer Jim Gottstein from Anchorage has a personal brief experience as a patient with acute psychosis. He has won important lawsuits at the Alaska Supreme Court to prevent forced drugging, thereby defending the basic human rights of psychiatric patients. In this episode, Peter C Gøtzsche interviews Jim Gottstein about these issues. Documentation: Gottstein J. The Zyprexa papers. Anchorage: Jim Gottstein; 2020. Gøtzsche PC, Sørensen A. Systematic violations of patients' rights and safety: Forced medication of a cohort of 30 patients. Ind J Med Ethics 2020;Oct-Dec;5(4) NS:312-8. Tasch G, Gøtzsche PC. Systematic violations of patients’ rights and safety: forced medication of a...

Should I take an antidepressant?

Episode 08: Should I take an antidepressant? Professor emeritus Peter C Gøtzsche explains in four minutes what the effects are of depression drugs on depression, the risk of suicide and people’s sex lives. For more information, see articles and books on

Dr. Peter C Gøtzsche

We have a broken medical system. What documents this better than anything else is that our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. This would not be the case if drug regulators protected us against ineffective and harmful drugs. Furthermore, drug research in medical journals is often unreliable and doctors prescribe far too many drugs. On top of this, the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated seriously the already existing scientific censorship, which has also been harmful.
